Welcome to Oak Harbor Conservation Club
“Preserve Our Natural Resources”

Club House
975 South Gordon Road
Oak Harbor, OH 43449
Dr. L.J. Darr Memorial Wetlands
12055 West Toussaint North Road
Oak Harbor, Oh 43449
In these difficult times, please consider using the club members when you can.
TAS Professional Home Inspections
T. Aaron Sarkozi
Oak Harbor, Ohio
419 704 0366 email: aaron@tasprofessionalservices.com
8am-8pm 7 days a week
Home inspections for home buyers in Port Clinton, Fremont, Toledo, and Sandusky along with everything in between. Flexible schedule, same day reports. $300 for any home under 2,000 sf.
Certified and Insured
Scharding Sales
John Scharding
Open on appointment basis.
Call 419-862-2335
RELOADING STUFF FOR SALE: Massive purchase of items at a recent estate sale has tripled my previous inventory. Various calibers of empty brass; thousands of jacketed and lead bullets. Many reloading accessories, presses, powder measures
and distributors; powders, magnum primers, die sets, shell holders, and much more.
Upcoming Events
Ladies Only Self Defense Program.
The program is free and open to the public. It meets on the First and Third Mondays each month at the Oak Harbor Conservation Club, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Designed for women of all ages. Consists of both armed and unarmed self-defense. Firearms can be provided for the shooting part of the class. No prior training required. For more information or to register, email Terry Rudes at trudes@cros.net or call 419‑732‑3000.
Smallbore League
Tuesday evenings from 6 pm until 8 pm 3 position smallbore league open to the public
Basic rifle safety and gun handling.
The program is free and open to the public and taught by NRA Certified instructors and Range Safety Officers. The program meets weekly from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. For information about participating contact Richard Rudes at highpowershooter@yahoo.com or call 419‑732‑3000.
Tombstone Match
The second Friday each month is a Tombstone match at 6:00 p.m. This is a fun match shot on the 25 yard indoor range with either center fire pistol or .22 rimfire pistols. Two courses of fire are normally offered:
1) Two five shot strings from each distance of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 yards. 7.5 seconds per string. Total of 50 rounds. Targets are scored after 10 shots at each distance.
2) One 5 shot string at distances of 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 yards, 7.5 seconds per string. Total of 25 rounds. Targets are scored after 7-yard and 15-yard targets are completed. This shorter course is designed for smaller, concealable type handguns, although there are no formal size restrictions.
Refreshments are served.

Offering members shooting and hunting opportunities for the whole family.
- Two indoor shooting ranges on Gordon Rd
- 100-yard outdoor range on Gordon Rd
- 400-acre private hunting preserve for all year around hunting in Carrol Township
The club offers programs for everyone. Free classes include:
- Ladies Only Self Defense Classes for both armed and unarmed protection
- Junior Rifle safety and marksmanship
- Junior Pistol safety and marksmanship
- Winter Archery program
- Annual Youth Fishing Derby
- Smallbore Rifle League
- Smallbore and high power matches
- Handgun matches all year around on indoor and outdoor ranges
Social Events:
- Annual Wild Game Dinner
- Annual Gun Show and Swap Meet
Hunting and Fishing Opportunities:
- 400-acre private hunting preserve with upland bird releases each year
- Waterfowl hunting
- Youth hunts
- Fishing in a pond and three creeks and river
Training Opportunities:
- Women’s Self Defense
- Concealed Handgun License Courses
- Firearms Safety Courses
- To foster and promote friendship and fellowship among lovers of the outdoors; to promote understanding and harmony between sportsmen and landowners; to encourage the teaching of constructive conservation in our schools; to propagate and preserve wildlife and fish and to aid in the restoration of proper habitat for them.
- To lend its influence to a strict observance of the fish and game laws of Ohio; to assist constituted authority in the enforcement thereof and to insist on elimination of unfair means in the capture or destruction of Ottawa County wildlife and fish.
- To encourage and support legislation along accepted practical lines; to eliminate agencies destructive to wildlife and its habitat; to inaugurate a campaign of education having for its purpose reforestation of suitable areas, control of erosion and elimination of pollution of streams (pollution of air, littering) to encourage and cooperate in measures and methods to replenish our coverts and waters with wildlife and fish.
- To create a fraternal spirit among the sportsmen of the county; harmonize their interests, unify their actions, and establish understanding and spirit of friendship between sportsmen, landowners, and farmers.
- To promote the wise use, conservation and restoration of our natural resources in all forms.
- To develop, promote, and support a comprehensive educational program; technical research of the advancement of conservation of wildlife and other natural resources.
- To cooperate with other conservation and wildlife organizations.
It is chartered as a non-profit organization under the laws of the state of Ohio.
Date of incorporation : August 20, 1948.